"La vitamina E es un antioxidante. Esto significa que protege el tejido corporal del daño causado por sustancias llamadas radicales libres, que pueden dañar células, tejidos y órganos. Se cree que puede combatir afecciones relacionadas con el envejecimiento"
*El cuerpo también necesita vitamina E para ayudar a mantener el sistema inmunitario fuerte frente a virus y bacterias.
"La vitamina E también es importante en la formación de glóbulos rojos y ayuda al cuerpo a utilizar la Vitamina K También ayuda a dilatar los vasos sanguíneos y a impedir que la sangre se coagule dentro de ellos.
Las células usan la vitamina E para interactuar entre sí y llevar a cabo muchas funciones importantes."
La cantidad recomendada necesaria para adultos de esta vitamina es de 15 mg (22.4 UI).
Por tanto queda claro porqué tanta cosmética la incluye en sus formulaciones ya que obviamente puede repercutir en la belleza de nuestra piel.
Resumiendo nos puede ayudar con:
-Sequedad de la piel
-Cuidado de uñas
La mejor manera de aplicarla es mediante los aceites, como este que uso desde hace poco pero me da buenos resultados el Vitamin E Oil de Trade Joe's. Es solo vitamina E y además con precio asequible, viene de Estados Unidos. O este de aquí.
También uso la vitamina E con la crema hidratante de noche vitamin e de thebodyshop así como el contorno de ojos que lo he empezado a usar hace un mes y medio y de momento me encanta, ya os contaré.
*Un truco casero a tener en cuenta ya que es muy mencionado en la red es la mascarilla de maizena con vitamina E, esta es la receta:
1 Cucharada de maizena
300 ml de agua
1 Brocha
2 recipientes
- Hay que colocar a calentar 150 ml de agua. Con los otros 150ml de agua en otro recipiente agregar la maizena y remover bien para evitar grumos.
- Calentar el agua sin dejar que hierva, agregar el agua con maizena que ya habíamos preparado. Remover la mezcla sin parar hasta que comience a espesar.
- Cuando espese la mezcla, la pasamos a un recipiente y agregamos dos cápsulas de vitamina E. Mezclar todo bien y dejar enfriar.
- Cuando la mascarilla de maizena ya esté fría se aplica en el rostro bien limpio con la brocha y se deja actuar unos 20 minutos, se enjuaga y seca la cara y listo!
He de decir que todavía no he probado esta mascarilla pero en cuanto compre maizena (que no tengo en casa) la pruebo.
Dudas en comentarios o email🙏
Dudas en comentarios o email🙏
In inglish please!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The body also needs vitamin E to help keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria.
"Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body to use Vitamin K It also helps to dilate blood vessels and prevent blood from clotting inside them.
The cells use vitamin E to interact with each other and carry out many important functions. "
The recommended amount needed for adults of this vitamin is 15 mg (22.4 IU).
Therefore it is clear why so much cosmetic includes it in its formulations since it can obviously affect the beauty of our skin.
In summary you can help us with:
-Skin dryness
-Caring of nails
-Stretch marks
The best way to apply it is by using oils, like the one I have been using for a short time, but Trade Joe's Vitamin E Oil gives me good results. It is only vitamin E and also with affordable price, comes from the United States.
I also use vitamin E with the vitamin e night moisturizer from thebodyshop as well as the eye contour that I started using it a month and a half ago and for the moment I love it, I'll tell you.
vitamin e thebodyshop cream
* A homemade trick to keep in mind as it is very mentioned on the net is the cornstarch mask with vitamin E, this is the recipe:
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
2 vitamin E capsules
300 ml of water
1 Brush
2 containers
Place 150 ml of water to heat. With the other 150ml of water in another container add the cornstarch and stir well to avoid lumps.
Heat the water without letting it boil, add the water with cornstarch that we had already prepared. Stir the mixture without stopping until it begins to thicken.
When the mixture thickens, we pass it to a container and add two vitamin E capsules. Mix everything well and let cool.
When the cornstarch mask is already cold, apply it on the clean face with the brush and let it act for 20 minutes, rinse and dry your face and go!
I have to say that I have not tried this mask yet, but when I buy maizena (which I do not have at home) I try it.
Doubts in comments or email🙏
"Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means that it protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals, which can damage cells, tissues and organs, and it is believed that it can combat conditions related to aging."
* The body also needs vitamin E to help keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria.
"Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body to use Vitamin K It also helps to dilate blood vessels and prevent blood from clotting inside them.
The cells use vitamin E to interact with each other and carry out many important functions. "
The recommended amount needed for adults of this vitamin is 15 mg (22.4 IU).
Therefore it is clear why so much cosmetic includes it in its formulations since it can obviously affect the beauty of our skin.
In summary you can help us with:
-Skin dryness
-Caring of nails
-Stretch marks
The best way to apply it is by using oils, like the one I have been using for a short time, but Trade Joe's Vitamin E Oil gives me good results. It is only vitamin E and also with affordable price, comes from the United States.
I also use vitamin E with the vitamin e night moisturizer from thebodyshop as well as the eye contour that I started using it a month and a half ago and for the moment I love it, I'll tell you.
vitamin e thebodyshop cream
* A homemade trick to keep in mind as it is very mentioned on the net is the cornstarch mask with vitamin E, this is the recipe:
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
2 vitamin E capsules
300 ml of water
1 Brush
2 containers
Place 150 ml of water to heat. With the other 150ml of water in another container add the cornstarch and stir well to avoid lumps.
Heat the water without letting it boil, add the water with cornstarch that we had already prepared. Stir the mixture without stopping until it begins to thicken.
When the mixture thickens, we pass it to a container and add two vitamin E capsules. Mix everything well and let cool.
When the cornstarch mask is already cold, apply it on the clean face with the brush and let it act for 20 minutes, rinse and dry your face and go!
I have to say that I have not tried this mask yet, but when I buy maizena (which I do not have at home) I try it.
Doubts in comments or email🙏
Voy a probar la mascarilla
ResponderEliminarLa mascarilla la probé con mi madre y la verdad que nos dejó la piel bonita aunque el efecto dura unos dias
ResponderEliminarYo, que vengo de los estudios de cosmética, me sorprendo de lo mucho que aprendo en Internet. Casi casi, aprendo más que en las mismas clases (universitarias). Está claro que la práctica, el conocer el producto de cerca y la experiencia, como la tuya, son esenciales en este mundo. Mucho más que el conocimiento teórico. Te sigo con interés :)
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por tu comentario!